Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Snow Day!

It started out as a 2-hour delay and soon the kids were off school for the day! I had to chuckle because when we were kids they didn’t close school unless there were feet of snow - this was just a few inches! So, the kids are excited for their first day off and it didn’t take long for the street to fill with kids.

Just don't eat the yellow snow!
These are the 6 that went to see Cinderella together Friday night. Raegan is in the purple coat. Her twin cousins are in the black with green stripe coats. Jansen is on the left and Isaiah is on the right. They are a year younger than her but they're both bigger than her!
It's still snowing - they are calling for 3 inches but I think we've surpassed that now. It's beautiful! Raegan finally had enough of the cold and came in for hot chocolate - she's off to make Christmas cookies at Mimi's (Joel's mom's)

Grandma Charlotte seems to be doing well. She met with her new General Phys. on Monday, he was pleased with her progress and doesn’t need to see her for several months unless there are complications. She also had an appointment with her new Kidney Dr. They flushed her port and took blood to see if she needs dialysis again. She’s only had it once since she left the hospital. She is wanting to “move back” to her apartment that’s attached to my mom and dad’s but she is not strong or well enough. My mom says she thinks Grandma is afraid that she’s infringing on their alone time. It has been very time consuming and draining on my mom. She is behind on her work in their office, hasn’t been able to send out thank you cards, is feeling the crunch of Christmas, and had really wanted to be with Christina and the kids for Christmas. This is a huge responsibility for my mom, please pray for her continued strength.
Warm hugs