Friday, February 1, 2008

Grandma Charlotte

Grandma was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon with dehydration and complications with her kidneys. They are giving her fluids to correct her levels, however, it is a delicate line they must walk because of her failing kidney function. They don't want to put too much fluid in when the kidneys can't expell the necessary amount. The kidney doctor had not yet been in this morning - possibly because of the ice storm that hit the area - to decide if they will put a permanent port in and begin dialysis or not. She also suffers from neuropathy (sometimes called restless leg syndrome). Her condition is pretty severe and dealing with it can cause her to be depressed and very nervous. Her dr. changed her perscription and it had helped with these two side effects, however her kidney dr. took the medication from her yesterday. The 2 pills she is now permitted to have are not sufficient to relieve the pain and settle the jumping/jerky movements she experiences. Please pray for her comfort and peace. This picture of her was taken on Thanksgiving this past year - we were thankful to have her with us.