Friday, January 11, 2008

Mother's Words

Mother commented on my blog several days ago but not knowing if everyone reads the comments I asked her if I could post it. Her words are emotional yet full of the strength that only our Lord Jesus can give. She's been able to use these blogs as an outlet for her feelings and what better way to remember Aaron the week of his birthday than from his own mother.

Yes it was hard at the funeral. Didn't think it would, but as soon as I saw the casket I immediately thought of the last look of Aarons tent that I saw. How I loved that tent, that wide smile, the dancing eyes, the chunky cheeks, the smell of his cologne that he would even put on to mow the lawn. :) I played with his hair at that last sight remembering all the times I cut it during his life. A handsome man he had become and he had caught himself a beautiful wife. Together they gave us 4 beautiful grandkids that all have a part of Aaron. Aaron David, named after his daddy. The first son didn't get the name because there had been too many jrs. in the McCoy family that his daddy didn't want all the confusion. He and his daddy shared the same thing "Perfectionism" that at times frustrated them. They both loved the outdoors, making a job look good, hunting, the love of country, military, a love of the Word of God, teaching it to others and evangelism. When Aaron was small he would ask why daddy always had to ask people if they knew the Lord. Who would have known that Aaron would turn out the same, but then again he came from the same mold. He had a passion just like his daddy to see people saved. And now he's rejoicing with the ones he and his daddy led there. As the man sang It is Well With My Soul, I asked myself, is it well with MY soul ? And by Gods grace I could say YES. Though I miss Aaron terribly I had prepared to lose Aaron when he was only 8 months old. I was saved Sept. 1972 and I learned in the Word that my children were a gift given for a short time and in that time I had to instruct and train them for the Lord. They were His to use and He used Aaron in a way that I couldn't have imagined. In his career he was all over the world and boy did he ever touch people. How could I have held him for myself when you see how the Lord used him for others. That's what it's all about. Everything else is temperal but people are eternal. And now he is enjoying that eternal life, resting from the strugles of this life having left an enormous loss in the lives who knew and loved him but also leaving a legacy, an example for all to follow. Sorry Leah for taking up your space with my rambling. But I feel better !
Love You, Mother

Thanks mother for putting it back into perspective and reminding me that our children are a gift for a short period of time, what we do with that time is critical to where they spend eternity!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting your mothers comments.Tears flow as I am reading her words~ What pain she must be experiencing (that is any parents nightmare...losing a child). It is so encouraging that through tragedy and heart ache she STILL praises our Lord! What a true example of a Christian! She must be a wonderful lady and role model~as I am sure you are walking in her footsteps :)