It’s another January birthday! However, this one trumps them all. Afterall, if this birth hadn’t happened, there would not have been an Adam Wayne, Amy Renee, Aaron David or Leah Carol to speak of. Yes, that’s right the matriarch of this fine family, Linda Lou (Sullivan) McCoy was born dlsjd-fladj years ago! What’s that, you couldn’t read it? Oh, that’s because I value my life and I won’t dare tell her age! Besides, age is all relative and when you look as fine as mother does it doesn’t really matter. I’ve told her that I hope I look as good as her at her age, Joel says he hopes I do too!! I surprised mother early this morning with a few birthday goodies that included a double Snicker Espresso and some brownies from M&M Bakery. It was so early I caught her in her robe and neither one of us were fit for a picture so just use your imagination on that one. Here's a photo of her enjoying some chocolate with me on my birthday last year.
Sorry I interrupted your day, mother, but I just wanted you to know how special you are to us all and how very special you make each of us feel.
Your years of child rearing are long over but the impact is lasting. I catch myself repeating phrases you used to say to us or singing your little choruses throughout the day. I’m sure you never thought you were the best mom in the world (what mom does) but as I look back I wonder if you will ever know how much instruction you gave each of us to take as we started our own families. The time you spent teaching us to clean, cook, care for a home and others were more important than all the material things you could have given us had you worked outside the home. I can find such satisfaction in the mundane tasks of cleaning up and preparing a meal most likely because of your cheery example.
I remember my job of setting the table each evening and picking lettuce from the garden just before dinner. Even the night we waited for Adam and Aaron to return from riding their motorcycle. We had no idea they had wrecked and were waiting for help. You endured many, many trips to the ER with us all from motorcycles to bicycles, to horses, sleds, dog bites and even monkey bars on my first day of 5th grade!
You met us at the end of the lane after school to walk home with us many of times. You would even meet us with umbrellas when it rained. I remember coming home from school one day and you were not home – how dare you! I screamed and cried, kicking the front door until I left marks because you weren’t there to greet me. I KNEW you would always be there waiting for me. How important a mother is in a child’s life and you made every day count! The life lessons we learned from growing up with a godly mother are invaluable. If we all do ½ as well as you did at parenting, your grandchildren will be just fine!
I remember sitting on the front porch and watching our family cat give birth – you used this simple act of nature to teach all four of us about the value of life!
I remember the day my horse Tashi threw me. I could see the fear in your eyes as you ran as fast as you could down the road towards me as I lay on the ground unable to move. You never told me my riding days were over, you encouraged me to get back on!
I remember my first real love in high school and the heartache of our breakup. You sat in the kitchen and listened, knowing very well that it was a mere bump in the road of life but you validated my dramatic sob story.
I remember you dropping me off at Clarion University that first day and you driving away knowing you were leaving your baby 3 hours away.
I remember the day I graduated from college and the pride in your eyes. You had never had that chance but you made it happen for me.
I remember making the decision to go on to grad school in Virginia and telling you I was afraid of getting married and never using my degree. I will NEVER forget what you told me, “Leah, you will be a better mother for it!” You were so right!!
I remember when you stood by my bed in the hospital as I was in labor (screaming for that epidural that I never got!!) and thinking I’m 27 having my first baby and you had 4 at the age of 25! Do you remember what I said? “How did you do it?” You are an amazing woman and you raised 4 amazing children who love and adore you. You always gave enough, loved enough, laughed enough and yes, even spanked enough!
Happy Birthday Mother!
Leah Carol Celebrating my 33rd birthday last year
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Very Important Day
Posted by
10:43 PM
Update to Christina
Mother and Daddy have both battled the flu over the last weekend. Luckily both are feeling better - Daddy can't stand to lose anymore weight! Grandma is very weak and mother took her to have blood work done today. She’s thinking that her kidneys are not working well again and she may need to resume dialysis again. We’ll keep ya posted, should know tomorrow.
Amy is still “intact”. Despite great discomfort and constant contractions she is still only 1 cm dialiate and has not thinned. So, she’ll be going back to the Dr. on Monday and they are willing to induce her then if she wants. Mother has an appointment that day and Steve has something too (I think.) Seems like everyone is trying to coordinate their schedules for the delivery. Whatever happened to good ol’ water-breakin’-last-minute-gonna-have-a-baby delivery?! Huh?
Carole’s mom has been very sick. They took her to Morgantown to have a surgery to repair her bile duct. Haven’t heard anything since the weekend. Hopefully Carole will post a comment and update us all.
Stopped at the cemetary today – it was bitter cold and windy here but the view was crystal clear. I removed the birthday balloons since they were deflated and fixed the pine. It was very difficult for me today.
Samuel is in ALL our prayers! Joel wanted to chat and called around 5:30 your time and then remembered you all may have already left for church. Maybe he can call tomorrow evening.
Love to y'all!
Posted by
10:40 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Viruses, Birthdays and Other Fun Stuff
I’ve not written on the blog for almost a week and honestly I’ve not had much to write about. My computer was taken over by a wonderful virus that infiltrated every application possible. I couldn’t use Microsoft Word without it slamming me out, check my email without it taking 2 hours, or even start Internet Explorer because it's been hijacked! After two 3-hour conversations with computer geeks in India (yes, India) it isn't much better. I still cannot download Microsoft’s One Care Live antivirus & firewall package but they are “trying” to figure that one out for me. I usually have great patience but at this point I've lost all semblance of tolerance. I’m convinced that if I can’t fix it I need to go buy a new one. Joel just loves that idea!!
At the same time Raegan developed a fever, after a throat culture they sent us on our way with antibiotics. Well…….3 days later she still had a fever and had developed a wide-spread rash on your upper torso. Yet, another visit to the dr. led to an entirely different antibiotic and the diagnosis of dual-infection: strep and a virus. Lovely!
In the meantime, I turned 34 -whoo hooo, exciting, isn’t getting older grand? I wasn’t in much of a mood to celebrate knowing I had to spend the whole day in the office trying to catch up on work that had piled up from Raegan being off school. However, my wonderful mother called and took me to brunch. We enjoyed our breakfast and then inhaled huge chocolate brownies with peanut butter icing. How’s that for a healthy breakfast!? We wasted the morning away talking and drinking a ton of coffee. We talked waaayy too long - by the time we left, the roads were covered in slippery, freezing snow and the schools had been let out early. Whoopsie! Oh well, sometimes you just need to do it.
So, I thought I’d reminisce a bit (not that I would remember any of this), here’s what was going on when I was born Thursday, January 17th, 1974.
Richard Nixon was President, there was no Vice President.
Bread was $.28 a loaf,
Milk was $1.39/gal (not sure how our family of 6 could afford that when we went through 2 gallons a day!)
Gas was $.53 a gallon – WOW, where have those days gone!
Stamps were only $.10
Minimum wage was $2/hr.
Avg. House was $38,900
Avg. Car was $4,440
Top Songs were “Kung Fu Fighting” by Carl Douglas, “The Streak” by Ray Stevens, “Seasons in the Sun” by Terry Jacks
Hot New Toys were Connect Four (of which I was the family champion, NO ONE could beat me!), Rubik’s Cube (we took that thing apart and put it back together, there solved!), Sit ‘N Spin (didn’t have one, but Raegan does!), and Monchhichi (remember those monkey looking dolls?!)
TV Shows were Little House on the Prairie, Happy Days, The Waltons, M*A*S*H (hated that show), The Rockford Files. (We didn’t have a TV until I was about 10 but we watched these shows at Grandmas all the time)
And other people born on MY birthday include Benjamin Franklin, Muhammad Ali, Betty White, and James Earl Jones. There's your history lesson for the day! Maybe I did have lots to write about this past week.
Seriously, though I did take a little time to reflect and take inventory of the blessings that God has so richly granted me. Life isn't always easy - no one ever promised that it would be. So often we focus on what we want or can't have instead of what we have been given. It is usually physical, temporal things that don't mean a blasted thing! Our appearance, our car, our house, our clothes, our toys - these will soon pass away! Only what's done for Christ will last. I've been listening to another one of "Aaron's songs". A song that was on the video CD made for his funeral. I absolutely love it and if I can figure out how to put the link on I will. It's called Bring the Rain by Mercy Me. It basically says, bring me joy bring me peace, bring the chance to be free, bring me anything that brings you glory. And I know there'll be days when this life brings me pain but if that's what it takes to praise you, Jesus bring the rain!
Rain or Shine my Jesus brings me Real Joy,
Posted by
8:56 PM
For some reason the message of my Jan. 16 blog was misconstrued in some way. I was NOT announcing to the world that I was experiencing a female monthly event at the time but rather that I was experiencing emotional ups and downs that were very well explained by the article that I referred to. Sorry if the subject matter was questionable or embarrassing to others but I thought it was extremely helpful to me and figured other female friends would find it just as useful. As my sister has told me there are things that only I can get away with talking about, guess I’m not easily embarrassed!
I’m handling things very well this week!
Posted by
6:37 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Riding Your Cycle!
A few months back I came across something very insightful in my women's devotional book that has had me thinking during these ups and downs that seem to run my life lately. I thought they may be helpful to all my women friends and.....well, they may even help our male counterparts understand why we are so darned hard to deal with!
The difference in estrogen levels in a woman's body during various times of the month correlates to a predictable pattern of behavious and emotions. Naturally, these characteristics are not true for all women, and some struggle with them more than others.
During the 1st week of her cycle she is outgoing, ambitious, optimistic and self-confident.
The 2nd week she is hopeful, easygoing, creative, has inner strength and a sense of well-being.
The 3rd week she lacks coordination, longs for peace, is impatient, and gloomy.
The 4th week she is very irritable, touchy, withdrawn, and lacks self-confidence.
Whew! Is is any wonder that interpersonal conflicts sometimes seem to come from nowhere?! Throw in a little bit of grief and you can figure out where those feelings of being overwhelmed with life and depression come from! Maybe we need to tell ourselves, "Tomorrow or next week will be better" or "This too shall pass, just hang in there!"
Just riding out my cycle!
Posted by
3:51 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Mother's Words
Mother commented on my blog several days ago but not knowing if everyone reads the comments I asked her if I could post it. Her words are emotional yet full of the strength that only our Lord Jesus can give. She's been able to use these blogs as an outlet for her feelings and what better way to remember Aaron the week of his birthday than from his own mother.
Yes it was hard at the funeral. Didn't think it would, but as soon as I saw the casket I immediately thought of the last look of Aarons tent that I saw. How I loved that tent, that wide smile, the dancing eyes, the chunky cheeks, the smell of his cologne that he would even put on to mow the lawn. :) I played with his hair at that last sight remembering all the times I cut it during his life. A handsome man he had become and he had caught himself a beautiful wife. Together they gave us 4 beautiful grandkids that all have a part of Aaron. Aaron David, named after his daddy. The first son didn't get the name because there had been too many jrs. in the McCoy family that his daddy didn't want all the confusion. He and his daddy shared the same thing "Perfectionism" that at times frustrated them. They both loved the outdoors, making a job look good, hunting, the love of country, military, a love of the Word of God, teaching it to others and evangelism. When Aaron was small he would ask why daddy always had to ask people if they knew the Lord. Who would have known that Aaron would turn out the same, but then again he came from the same mold. He had a passion just like his daddy to see people saved. And now he's rejoicing with the ones he and his daddy led there. As the man sang It is Well With My Soul, I asked myself, is it well with MY soul ? And by Gods grace I could say YES. Though I miss Aaron terribly I had prepared to lose Aaron when he was only 8 months old. I was saved Sept. 1972 and I learned in the Word that my children were a gift given for a short time and in that time I had to instruct and train them for the Lord. They were His to use and He used Aaron in a way that I couldn't have imagined. In his career he was all over the world and boy did he ever touch people. How could I have held him for myself when you see how the Lord used him for others. That's what it's all about. Everything else is temperal but people are eternal. And now he is enjoying that eternal life, resting from the strugles of this life having left an enormous loss in the lives who knew and loved him but also leaving a legacy, an example for all to follow. Sorry Leah for taking up your space with my rambling. But I feel better !
Love You, Mother
Thanks mother for putting it back into perspective and reminding me that our children are a gift for a short period of time, what we do with that time is critical to where they spend eternity!
Posted by
2:00 PM
Relying on God has to begin all over again every day.
As if nothing had yet been done.
~C.S. Lewis
Posted by
1:56 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Happy Birthday Aaron
January is a month full of McCoy birthdays - Granddaddy, Aaron, Chandler, mine, and mother's. Don't know what was doing on 9 months prior in May but it must have been good.
Our family always made a big deal out of birthdays. My mom would cook our favorite meal, create a big collage of our pictures, hang up the "Happy Birthday" letters that she had covered in foil and make our day extra special. As kids we always looked forward to being made over on our birthday. Today we would have celebrated Aaron's 36 birthday.
Mother and Daddy, I'm so sorry that you have to feel the pain today of not having your son on a day that with such tender meaning. Those sweet recollections are scarred with sorrow now and it's so painful to know that you are hurting. You usually call on our birthdays and talk about the birth pains you were having so many years ago on that date. We always laugh knowing that you are joyfully remembering the day you brought us into the world. I cry with you today and miss him even more than ever.
Christina and kids, today is another one of those milestones that you/we must face and get through. There will be many tears and that constant reminder of his absence is even more evident when we he's not here to celebrate his birthday. We pray for your strength and comfort today. We love you all.
He will remain 35 and handsome in our minds, never to grow old.
Love & miss you birthday boy!
Your baby sister
Posted by
6:10 AM
Monday, January 7, 2008
Kids Christmas
About 7 years ago we started "Kids Christmas" in our family. Its when we get our kids together to exchange gifts and just hang out. It usually ends up the weekend of New Years but this year it was next to impossible to get this event scheduled. We have scheduled and rescheduled it so many times - Adam was gone for two weeks, Christmas programs, funerals, etc. We finally managed to get together Sunday at Adam and Carole's new house in Flintstone, MD. I think we need to rename it - maybe Valentines Day!



Posted by
4:08 PM
Emotional Weekend
We've not been home much at all and I'm struggling to type this before I need to pick Raegan up from school. I've been wanting to update the blog and even change the background. I'm tired of it, but that will have to wait.
The weekend was extremely difficult for us all. Friday was full with 2 viewings and a dinner in between them. Nana had lived a very full life and the attendance at her viewings were evidence of that. The line went on for hours! It was great to see family and friends and I know the family felt the warm and tender condolences sent by so many who came, sent flowers and food. Saturday was another viewing, the service and burial. I knew that the wound was still tender in my heart from losing Aaron but I never expected the amount of emotions that came over me. I teared up many times but I completely lost it when my mom and dad walked into the church on Saturday for the service. Not only was this Nana's funeral but it was also the 3 month anniversary of us losing Aaron. Time HAS NOT healed us!! We are still so tender, the pain is so raw! The emotions were so jumbled for me. I was able to say goodbye to Nana, have time with her, hold her hand and softly smooth her hair as she struggled to breathe and wait for the Lord's calling. She was ready and we knew it was time. I cried for the pain of separation that her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren feel after making years of memories with her. But my emotions were so different as I thought of Aaron - he was ripped away from us. I did not have that time to say goodbye, to touch his face, take in his sweet smell, and tell him "I love you" one last time. I did not have time to prepare for the pain. I was NOT ready for him to go, none of us were!!
As the soloist sang "It is Well With My Soul" I was reminded that both Aaron and Nana knew where they were going without a shadow of a doubt. They are rejoicing together with their new bodies. It is well.
Posted by
1:51 PM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Coming Together
Joel's relatives are beginning to arrive for Nana's funeral. Two of his cousins that live in Kalispell, Montana arrived very early this morning. Their parents are flying in tomorrow.
Clint and Carrie and their little girl Addison "Addy" Knotts. She is such a doll baby. Carrie teaches 1st grade and Clint owns his own construction company. Addy will be 2 on Wednesday. She is a ton of fun and Raegan is enjoying mothering her.
Clint's younger brother Ben is our "world traveler". He is a free spirit that enjoys spanning the globe with just a backpack. He recently returned from Bolivia doing research for a school project. While he was there he taught basic computers in a prison. He will have some great stories to tell his children, if we could just find him the perfect girl..and get him to plant himself somewhere.
As I'm writing this (11pm) Joel and Ben are watching West Virginia beat Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. Ben is going to hang out with Joel at work tomorrow. How cool!
What a wonderful feeling to reconnect with family and catchup on the events that years apart have yielded. Somehow our families begin to spread out over the globe like tree roots moving farther and farther away from each other. When we are brought together again, often by tragedy, we are able to remember and reminisce of days gone by; the innocence, the fun, the mischevious days of youth. Everyone has a story to tell and the stories flow like water from a spring as each one shares their memories. It is such a shame that this happens so few times in our lives. It is such a shame that it often takes the loss of a loved one to bring a reunion.
Posted by
10:42 PM
Happy New Year
We rang in the new year with our good friends the Shrivers in Latrobe, PA. It's only two hours away so it was a great mini-trip. We packed up, grabbed the dog and headed to PA. We met Ed and Amy at our church about 2 or 3 years ago, when they had just moved to our area. We became quick friends and love them dearly. Ed and Joel both love to golf & hunt and Amy and I love to shop & talk - need I say more?! Their 3 children Hannah, Luke and Noah are great and they treat Raegan like a sibling! That's makes everyone happy!

Joel playing golf on the Wii. Look at that follow through! ha ha
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We made it to see the ball drop, here's the picture to prove it.

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Posted by
4:17 PM
New Again
Here's the link to the country music video performed by Brad Paisley and Sara Evans of their song 'New Again' depicting the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. It's very powerful and I thought you would want to see it. The words are beautiful and the message is priceless.
Brad Paisley and Sara Evans - New Again. Grab a box of tissues!
Posted by
4:10 PM