Friday, July 17, 2009

Major Milestone!

We made it 10 years!

On May 1st, 2009 Joel and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary - whew! Hard to believe it's gone so fast and hard to believe it's taken so much work! Yes, you heard me right. Anything worthwhile takes work and marriage is no exception. I heard a saying not too long ago that men marry a woman hoping she'll never change and women marry a man hoping to change him. I laughed out loud when I heard it and then gasped and said "that's true!".

Well, after ten years he still hasn't changed and I change everyday! I guess neither one of us knew what we were doing! I pray we have 10 x 10 more years to do the same, I've loved every minute of it.

Joel surprised me at work with this bouquet of flowers, I just love it when he gets me ones that look like wildflowers right out of the field. (He's learned something over these 10 years)

Joel, you're still the one!