Friday, April 4, 2008

Tomorrow is yet another milestone - 6 months! It seems like just yesterday that Aaron's life was snatched away from us all and yet at the same time it seems like years since we've seen his smile, heard his laugh and smelled his cologne-soaked skin. (Wow, he always smelled so good!)

When he died I wanted the world to stop, nothing else was important. Afterall, it seemed like it had for our family, why couldn't everyone else just stop what they were doing and mourn like me. But life goes on.

As I've watched Spring wake up from it's Winter nap I've been encouraged by the sights of new life all around me. The fresh colors of green grass and trees, the bright smile of yellow on the forsythia bushes - they bring joy to those of us who despise the gloom of winter. And they have reminded me that the Lord continues to hold this world of mine together. He brings up the sun each day, and hangs the moon each night. Life does go on.....the Lord is still holding our world in space. And just like those happy tulips that have popped through the ground -- it's beginning again. There is joy in this time of the year and there can be joy in this season of life as well. I rejoice that Christ's resurrection means we too will be given life everlasting with Him. It's definately NOT over for Aaron. It has begun anew!

Ironically, my email devotion today was about - you guessed it - death!

Death always throws us into the valley . . . the place we least desire to go, and when we least expect to. It comes as a thief in the night, and steals away those we love, leaving us to mourn and grieve. Where we once stood on the mountaintop where the light in our lives had shined so brightly has become a cloud that is cast over all that we do.

Whether you have lost someone you loved, or you are faced with your own mortality, death can be devastating. When we walk through death's valley, we come face-to-face with fear, and life seems suddenly to stop. Our soul is overwhelmed, our heart is broken, and we can barely walk, talk, or listen . . . much less carry on the routine of life.

Yet in that valley, we can choose to respond with a steadfast determination that shouts to the Lord, "I will fear no evil; for you are with me!" (Psalm 23:4). "There is nothing that can separate me from your love" (Romans 8:38--39). "You have promised always to be with me" (Hebrews 13:5).The claim of God's promises brings light into a valley where all has grown dim.

For life is not what it seems. We may think we are alone but God is with us. Loss is terrible but not forever. Death seems permanent but is only temporary. Jesus died but was raised again. The power of the resurrection takes on a new meaning when we face our own crucifixions.

Saying good-bye to loved ones is excruciatingly painful. But slowly and most assuredly, God provides comfort and brings light back into our lives. He leads us out of the valley and back onto the mountaintop where the view becomes crystal clear again.

We need not fear death, for Christ has conquered death in His resurrection. Death may separate us for a time, but Christ will reunite us forever.

Looking for that Blessed Hope and Glorious Appearing,


Shannon said...

I love to read your writings, Leah. Always so profound...always speaking to me. I hope all is well with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Leah, your thoughts were very well written. I saw these thoughts the next day, the 5th, "Sorrow and her grim family of sighs may drop by for a visit, but they won't stay long when they realize faith got there first-and doesn't plan to leave." ..."Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalm 30:5. I thought it so fitting this time. God's timing is so perfect!
By the way, I got your message. That will be fine for now, then we will disscus what we will do from there...soon!!! Please pray that the Lord makes His will known soon! We certainly do not want to move ahead of Him in this area.
Love to you all! Hugs and Kisses to Raegan. Amy