Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Life Lessons

I know this sounds ridiculously mundane for a blog posting but bear with me. The other night I fixed peas with dinner. Neither Raegan or Joel like them but I told them that we need to be eating a variety of vegetables and that they would each eat the small portion that I put on their plates. Joel proceeded to tell me that he has never liked peas, never will and wouldn't eat them for dinner. Well....he ate them. He stirred them into his mashed potatoes and found they would go down easier. He told Raegan to do the same but she wouldn't go for it. She drug out dinner forever because she wouldn't eat her peas.

She cried, she whined, she kicked and then she said "mommy, peas are worse than shots!" I chuckled knowing how much she detests shots. (She had quite a few bad experiences with steroid shots in the hospital on several occasions.)

But her comment made me think of something - so often things come into our lives and we kick and scream, whine and cry refusing to "swallow" them. We don't want this to happen, we don't want things that way. The Lord has said it is for our good and He will bring good from it. Until we are completely broken and without strength we think we can do things our way. But our will must be broken and we must come to the point of turning things over to the father who loves us so much He gave His life for us and trust him that the daily "peas" will soon pass and we will develop a stronger spiritual walk with him.

Next time you have to "eat your peas", remember it's for your good!
Raegan's Mean Mom