Sunday, September 13, 2009

Football Already!

I always know when my summer is over - it's when pee wee football/cheering starts back up! Practices start the last week in July and you might as well kiss your life good-bye.

The first game was the week before school started and we played the LaVale Lions. The excitement was high as we all arrived at the field at about 7:30 in the morning for a 9:00 game! I've never seen crazier fans (well, okay, maybe WVU could compare!) We've joked that our team should sell sideline lots to raise funds for the team - they would sell!! The parents and their canopies show up way before daylight, I swear some of them set them up late at night in the dark. So if you arrive at 8 am, you are so not going to get a spot. Peewee football is serious business in these parts.

Side note: why don't parents get this excited about getting their kids to church and involved in activities there? It's amazing how many hours we spend at a ballfield during the week and then those same parents can't find the time to attend church on Sunday morning - sorry, I digress.

We won the game 39 to 13.

Since then, we've played 6 more games - our record is now 5 wins and 2 losses. Looking forward to one more regular season game before the playoffs start.