In homes across America, friends and family will gather around beautifully decorated tables filled with warm, scrumptious food to give thanks. It's Thanksgiving Day. However, this day will be nothing like holidays of the past for many people.
Lonely but committed soldiers covered in the dust of battle will patrol foreign borders, fighting for our freedom while their families back home long for word of their safety. The homeless will make their way to the nearest soup kitchen, hoping for a warm meal and a smiling face as so many celebrate this day of abundance. An empty place at the table will be a painful reminder of the loved one lost not long ago. A worried husband and dad will sit at the head of the table, wondering how he is going to tell his family that he just lost his job. The list of wounded hearts and unmet needs is endless.
We convince ourselves that life will be better when we have more money, when we find the right mate, when we get the kids raised or build the right house. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, when we get that promotion, when we are able to go on our dream vacation or when we retire. We keep trying to find joy, contentment and peace in lifeless places and things. Jesus Christ is life. He is Joy and Love and He took our place on the cross. That's why we can give thanks when it seems as if there is nothing for which to be thankful.
Yes, we live in a broken world and life is filled with pain, challenges, dark times and trials, but today can still be a day of thanksgiving and praise because praise and thanksgiving have little to do with the Thanksgiving holiday and everything to do with our inner attitude toward God. It really doesn't matter how much we lose here, my friend. I have read the Book and we win ... for all of eternity! We just need to take the time to remember ... and give thanks.
Father, we come to You today, praising You for meeting our needs this year in ways that we may or may not have understood at the time. Looking back, we see Your hand of mercy and love. We recognize Your presence and your power and we celebrate You ...we celebrate life.
With a greatful heart
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Giving Thanks
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5:05 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008
Imagine that it is your birthday, and before you sits the most beautiful gift you have ever seen. You can hardly wait to find out what is inside such an amazing gift box, wrapped in gold and glitter. Everyone gathers to celebrate as you delicately undue the paper from the box. You lift the lid to find a note that reads:
Dear (your name here):
Happy Birthday! This year, you will receive tests and trials that will challenge you to your core and require incredible perseverance and resilience on your part.
The good news is that if you persevere, your faith and your character will be built up.
Love, James
Would you rejoice in such a gift, or would you throw the box at the gift-giver?
I recently read an article about Lolo Jones, an Olympic Gold Medal hopeful. Lolo grew up in a family that was homeless for many years. Lolo's father was in and out of jail and not in the picture most of the time, leaving Lolo's mother to raise her and her four siblings alone.
Lolo's story continued as the world watched her overcome her tough childhood through her love for running and hurdles. Due to her come-back attitude, Lolo was touted to be the girl who would live out the American Dream story, from rags to riches, from defeat to glory! Lolo persevered regardless of the odds against her!
However, in one moment, her dreams were crushed when she clipped a hurdle during the Olympic trials and went from 1st place to 7th place.
In less than a second, all that she had worked for, all that she had hoped for in her life was gone. In an interview shortly after her fall, Lolo made this statement:
"As I crossed the line it was very hard to pick myself back up," Jones said through tears. "It took about 30 seconds, but you know what? Today's hard and tomorrow's going to be harder. What can you do but try again?"
How many of us have felt like we couldn't pick ourselves up, that today was hard, but tomorrow didn't look much better?
The good new is that you and I know a God (or we are getting to know a God) that wants us to overcome every hurdle. He wants to heal every wound and help us walk triumphantly into our future!
So "what can you do but try again?"
Don't let go of your dreams, God hasn't!
Dear Heavenly Father, teach me how to rejoice when I face trials and challenges in my life. Please help me to see the gain and not the loss of these events. I believe that Your plan for my life is the best one possible and I thank You for giving me a resilient and thankful attitude regardless of life's trials.
James 1:2
Posted by
3:24 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Needy Nation…
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land”. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Regardless of who rules a country God’s people are still to be one nation under God. In fact the early church flourished under unsympathetic authorities that were antagonistic toward Christianity. Government is not the guarantor of the influential church that infiltrates the culture with the love of Christ. We are followers of Jesus as ‘salt and light’, who are the most appetizing and shine the brightest, during the leanest of times and the darkest of days. We are a country who is in the process of reaping a whirlwind of confusion from our wicked ways, but this is job security for servants of Jesus. Your Savior gives you stability in the storm, so you are stability for the unsure and distraught. You are an agent of God’s grace for those who are floundering in faithless living, needy.
Our country needs Jesus, and ‘one nation’ under God will become a reality as Christians rally around prayer and authentic Christ like living. You know better, because you know your best friend Jesus. There is a higher standard of accountability that accompanies Christians. Therefore, in humility and brokenness lead your family to bow on their knees, repent of their sin and intercede on behalf of our needy nation. I have to ask Almighty God to cleanse my heart, before I can ask Him to cleanse my country. Healing takes place when forgiveness forges families, prayer permeates the church, and repentance leads our nation into fearing God. There is still time to turn to Christ, and you are to model the way, so be the first in line to love the Lord, pray for people, and serve sinners. God has awakened our nation out of its sinful slumber, so you can be an instrument of grace for those who are hurting and need hope. The Bible says, “I am grieved that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instructions." Samuel was troubled, and he cried out to the LORD all that night” (I Samuel 15:11).
Posted by
5:18 PM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Value of Service
With all the negativity in this election and the bashing that our Commander-in-Chief has received I thought this story was a heartwarming and overdue honor to him. It's a little lengthy, but well worth the read. Thank you Betty Henry for sending it to me.
Remember to vote today and to prayerfully consider who really has the best interest of SERVING our country in mind.
God Bless the USA!
Commentary by Lt. Col. Mark Murphy
354th Maintenance Group deputy commander
8/15/2008 - EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, Alaska --
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7:35 AM